
Country: India

Continent: Asia

Population: 307,615

Country Capital: No

For all cities with a population greater than one hundred thousand, Ahmednagar is closest to Loni and farthest from Chiclayo. The closest foreign city is Mirpur Khas and the farthest domestic city is Tinsukia. See below for the top 5 closest and farthest cities (domestically, internationally and by continent) and to see which cities, if any, Ahmednagar is the closest and farthest to. Filter to include all cities over 100k, 500k or 1 million in population.

Farthest CitiesKM
PeruChiclayo, Peru16,961
PeruChimbote, Peru16,952
PeruTrujillo, Peru16,950
PeruPiura, Peru16,946
PeruSullana, Peru16,933
Farthest Domestic CitiesKM
IndiaTinsukia, India2,300
IndiaDibrugarh, India2,258
IndiaJorhat, India2,166
IndiaImphal, India2,079
IndiaTezpur, India2,029
Closest South American CitiesKM
BrazilNatal, Brazil12,323
BrazilJoao Pessoa, Brazil12,332
BrazilParnamirim, Brazil12,332
BrazilSanta Rita, Brazil12,344
BrazilPaulista, Brazil12,360
Farthest South American CitiesKM
PeruChiclayo, Peru16,961
PeruChimbote, Peru16,952
PeruTrujillo, Peru16,950
PeruPiura, Peru16,946
PeruSullana, Peru16,933
Closest City To KM
Farthest City From KM
Not the farthest city from any other city