Barra Mansa

Country: Brazil

Continent: South America

Population: 171,125

Country Capital: No

For all cities with a population greater than one million, Barra Mansa is closest to Rio de Janeiro and farthest from Fukuoka. The closest foreign city is Montevideo and the farthest domestic city is Manaus. See below for the top 5 closest and farthest cities (domestically, internationally and by continent) and to see which cities, if any, Barra Mansa is the closest and farthest to. Filter to include all cities over 100k, 500k or 1 million in population.

Farthest CitiesKM
JapanFukuoka, Japan18,673
JapanOsaka, Japan18,657
JapanKobe, Japan18,657
JapanHiroshima, Japan18,652
JapanKyoto, Japan18,622
Closest Asian CitiesKM
TurkeyIzmir, Turkey10,034
Saudi_ArabiaJiddah, Saudi Arabia10,268
TurkeyBursa, Turkey10,278
TurkeyIstanbul, Turkey10,310
TurkeyAfyon, Turkey10,317
Farthest Asian CitiesKM
JapanFukuoka, Japan18,673
JapanOsaka, Japan18,657
JapanKobe, Japan18,657
JapanHiroshima, Japan18,652
JapanKyoto, Japan18,622
Closest City To KM
BrazilVolta Redonda7
Farthest City From KM
Not the farthest city from any other city